Jul 24

OSP Cancelled

As beautiful as the 802 road is at Indian Trail Springs is… … it’s safety over fun. Hello friends of the Oregon Star Party, If you have been watching and asking, there are forest fires in the Ochoco National Forest. This afternoon, July 24th, the Forest Service Ranger called our committee members on-site. Due to […]

Jul 23

2024 OSP – Fires, Generators and Smoke, OH MY!

Hello friends of OSP! We are getting excited to have you attend our event. We know there are fires in Oregon and some seem close to our area. We take precautions for the contingency of fires. If you are attending OSP, you’ll get a packet with a plethora of information about OSP, including the evacuation […]

Jul 13

Let’s make the Oregon Star Party a family affair

You stay up all night and the kids sleep. What do you do during the day when you are trying to sleep? We have another great youth tent this year. Natascha will be our coordinator this year. The youth tent will be open daily, including Saturday. We have some ongoing activities as well as the […]

Jun 30

We are in the thick of planning for our event

We are busy planning everything for our event next month. Tick tock! We have a wonderful group of speakers for you this year. Interesting topics and enthusiastic speakers. Even our US Forest Service folks, by popular request, will be speaking to you! As we wrap up items, we hope you’ll find something fun and interesting […]

May 18

OSP Telescope Walkabout 2024

We have a new host, Dave Kasnick! He is excited to continue this tradition of personally built and innovative telescope designs. See his biography on the OSP website https://oregonstarparty.org/members/ A note from Dave: If you will be attending OSP 2024 and you believe that you have some innovations to ‘show and tell’ then send an […]

Jul 29

Success! What a great time.

Thank you to all who attended our Grand Return. We were blessed with pleasant nighttime temperatures and everything Indian Trail Spring has given us in the past, clear skies. Albeit, the daytime temperatures were a bit hot. Sunday before the event the temperature tickled the 100 degree level. Fortunately, Monday and Sunday, our set up […]

Jul 8

A successful work party

What a great work party! Thanks to all the committee members and volunteers who helped us get our packets together and get the trailer ready for the event. So much to do! It all got done yesterday. Thanks to Dave K. for the photos. 11 sleeps before no sleep at Indian Trail Spring!

Jul 6

Forest Service Road 42 UPDATE

Good news! The Forest Service has just opened up its paved Road 42 highway across Big Summit Prairie to make the route to the Oregon Star Party much easier and shorter. The construction project on Forest Service Road 42 has been moved to September to allow us to use the road. So, the long, gravel […]

Jul 5

Portland folks – Work Party Hands Needed

Friends of OSP We need your help! This Friday July 7th is our work party. We have committee members from all over, but this makes it difficult for some to make it to the Portland area to help do this important preparation for our event. We need more hands. Details: 1905 NW 169th Place, Suite […]

Jul 2

The Countdown Begins

  Are you excited? We are! Your OSP committee has been furiously working to get our event together. All we need now are clear skies and beautiful weather. We have amazing speakers who’ll be coming to our event. Check out the Speakers and Members page for more information. 16 SLEEPS BEFORE OSP BEGINS July 18th. […]

Jun 27

Registration is closed – but don’t worry

Thank you to everyone who registered for our event! To those who’ve registered early, the OSP committee is pleased to know you are willing to support our event. Even though we have over 400 people coming, we still have room for you. We can register you on-site. The cost is higher and we may not […]

May 1

Registration is open!

After a whole lot of work from a whole lot of dedicated volunteers, registration is open. We are excited to bring back our event to you after a 3 year unintended pause. Our event may be a little different this year, but the core remains. Fantastic night time sky observing in the beautiful Ochoco National […]

Apr 26

Can you give us a little of your time?

Will you be joining us Oregon Star Party this year?Are you interested in volunteering?In order for our star party to take place each year, we recruit nearly 100 volunteers to help make sure that each day’s activities run smoothly. Many of you reading this blog have volunteered in years past. When you register, we’ll have […]

Mar 23

Oregon Star Party GRAND RETURN

Hello friends of the Oregon Star Party! We’ve been working diligently to plan the event for this July.We’ve had several meetings about getting our event together. We have not had our event for the last three years due to Covid and other issues and fewer members of the committee. It’s been a challenge to get […]

May 14

OSP Director Team Newsletter – May 2022

Registration for OSP 2022 is officially is open. Please use the following link to register:  2022 OSP Registration. Spring rains and snow have been higher than normal for the area, so we are very hopeful for a successful OSP2022.  The good news continues in that, unlike everything else in the US, all of our registration fee prices […]

Jan 20

OSP Director Team Newsletter — January 2022

Release date: 20 January 2022 The Oregon Star Party committee met on January 12th and started the planning process for OSP2022.  After two years of bad fortune (2020 cancelled by COVID and 2021 cancelled by fire threat) we are trying to build in as many contingencies as we can to assure that OSP 2022 really happens this […]

Aug 23

2023 OSP Dates

We are proceeding with plans for OSP 2023 Dates are July 18th through July 23rdIndian Trail SpringOchoco National Forest

Apr 21

OSP Director Team Newsletter — April 2021

OSP Starry Night

Greetings from you OSP Director Team, This is our second off-season update on the status of OSP 2021.  Like our January update, we remain optimistic that OSP 2021 will indeed happen.  We are working through some setbacks and contingencies, but we remain very optimistic that we will have a star party during the August 3rd – 8th time frame […]

Feb 25

Early Registration Upcoming — Late May

Early registration for Oregon Star Party 2021 is tentatively scheduled for late May. We will update this page as we come closer to registration day. Upon registration opening time we will publish the registration link on the OSP home page. Stay tuned!

Feb 25

Looking For Volunteers — Late May

It may not be surprising, but the Oregon Star Party would not be possible without the incredible effort of our volunteers. Every year, OSP comes and ends with a resounding success. And every year, a small battalion composed of committee members and other volunteers generously give their time to prepare for our special week of […]

Feb 4

OSP Director Team Newsletter — January 2021

OSP Starry Night

Greetings. We hope you had a safe and happy holiday season. Now that the holidays are over and winter is in full swing, it’s time to think of good times ahead. What could be more inspiring on a cold, wet winter night than to think of clear dark skies with our scopes pointed skyward surrounded by astronomy […]