Indian Trail Spring is a high elevation (5,000 ft) mountain camp with very limited facilities. Campers with serious health problems should carefully consider the risks and hazards of the environment. The nearest medical facility is 50 miles away in Prineville; please plan accordingly.
Be sure to include these items in your gear:
- Prepackaged first aid kit
- Medications
- Tools and Supplies
- Sun protection (sunglasses, sunscreen, hats)
- Lip balm
- Insect repellent
- Electrolyte replacement drink such as Gatorade.
If days at OSP are particularly hot, it ís essential that attendees prevent against heat-related illnesses.
The Oregon Star Party is working to finalize coordination of first aid responders for 2022.
In case of an emergency, contact the First Aid Tent, Information Tent or any OSP committee member for assistance. At night, a 2-way radio will be available at the First Aid Tent (see light-up sign). You may use it to call the first aid personnel on duty.