Important Information from our friends at the USFS.
July 5th, 2023:
Fire danger is high. Our partners at the Forest service want to caution you to
recreate responsibly.
*Don’t park on tall, dry grass
*Inspect your trailer chains before traveling to prevent sparks from chains dragging
*Oregon Star Party DOES NOT allow campfires
*Smoking is only allowed in vehicles and/or trailers
*In case of emergency, be prepared to shelter in place and be aware of identified alternate route out of the event.
If you have any questions for the Forest Service, call 541-416-6500
USFS Fire Precaution Level Information
Please help us keep our great relationship with the Forest Service a good one and follow the rules the USFS gives us.

Generator Policy
US Forest Service policies are subject to change at any time.
As it has been in the past, we usually will not know for sure if the USFS and the State of Oregon will allow the use of generators.
If allowed, the generators must be within 100 feet of the graveled roads (800 & 802) and operated between noon and 7PM. We request that you limit the usage of your generator as much as possible out of respect for your fellow astronomers.
The decision is based on several factors: the dryness of the forest area around Indian Trail Spring, the 14 day forecast prior to OSP, whether they have closed forest to the public and if level IV restrictions are in place.
Please check back to this area for the latest information concerning the use of generators at OSP.
See @OSP Rules & Guidelines for OSP camping rules

Ochoco Forest Fire Information
Forest Service Rules
The Forest Service permit for OSP is from Monday through Sunday, if you are onsite outside of these days you are entirely on your own. All OSP attendees must follow Forest Service rules.
The Forest Service controls the generator policy and is subject to change at the last minute. Please check here for the latest information.
No open fires are allowed anywhere on site at OSP. This includes OPEN FIRE PITS AND BOXES
Charcoal Briquettes are not allowed anywhere on site at OSP.
Only propane or white gas stoves are permitted as long as they are off the ground and not a danger to the surrounding area.
Smoking is permitted only inside a vehicle or on the graveled 800 or 802 roads. Smoking materials must be disposed of in a fireproof container or inside your vehicle’s ashtray.
The Forest Service requires that each vehicle must carry
1) a shovel
2) an axe
3) 5 gallons of water reserved for fire suppression.
The most current fire information may be found at:
The OSP Staff reserves the right to ask any attendee to leave if they are deemed to be in violation of US Forest Service regulations.
“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”